
Tethered by an imaginary string/

I make my way into a new life swing/

New dimensions, experiencing new lessons/

Along the way, learning to create hope, love, and progression//

Many people want attention, they got big egos blarin/

Don’t wanna miss a mention, it’s only gossip that’s sharin/


Feelings are gettin hurt/

people living without worth/

Hear words and keep focus so the actions mean dirt//

But we should be more assured/

as a people, be more secured//

Instead of hanging onto others, like children dangle their mothers/

Guide yourself towards the light, need no help from an usher//


No doubt, we all one, but independence is what leads us/

All pouts if not won by industry elitist leaders//

Projections of inception, can’t exist in the fifth/

But protections of exceptions, already do where we live/

When the shift comes round it’ll be swift/

Don’t be impatient/

Don’t begin to drift/

This here is no race, so we don’t know where it’ll end//


Here we have landed/

Thought galactic families left us stranded//

But when I think of home it’s all around me, it’s known/

Forgot the path of my purpose for living/

All surfacing light beings likely living as human beings//


Here we’ve landed, I’ve been planted/

Here we’ve landed, sometimes I simply can’t stand it/

Here we’ve landed, divine energy was implanted/

Love’s vibrancy is now in transit/

We can only hope Earth’s destination has been granted//

Recollect myself through old memories/

not quite relics yet, but my soul, says their freeing me//

Fighting negative attacks/

The occasional dreams of being trapped//

I’m tapped out and this is the last round/

Ideas flowin in my head imma pass out//


Fearlessness is the thesis/

Weakness isn’t always the preface/

But learn to recognize when the ethers are teasin//

Afraid of all the universes?/

Please, we’re one, with all that the universe sees//

I have witnessed channeled knowledge/

Got heavy love for the akashic, and for it’s words, we pay homage//


Maintaining motivation to walk alongside earth/

Not staining creation, causing rock slides against dirt/

I’d rather believe in our being as a gift more than a curse//

There’s new ideas imprinting a path to retain/

Go paint the brain/

And not just half/

Release and free the whole effing thing/

We’ve Landed.

Time is tested every time we come to face the reality in front of us. Are we here, are we living elsewhere in our minds, what really is reality. Time frames are mind frames set in stone by habitual plays. We repeat the patterns without even noticing. To let go of old memories is good to notice the present moment but that’s no fun to never dwell on the past either. It’s nice to get lost in a daze within the mind.

It’s so beautiful this morning, too much gratitude to spew for being off and able to enjoy the sunshine streaming in through the window without having to worry about rushing out the door and missing all the beauty around me focusing in on the most unimportant task of my day. How is it that we get so entrapped within the cycles of “to-do” but it always seems like there’s something to do, except when it comes to paying attention to self.

Letting the fingers go away on the keyboard remind me of when I was learning piano, and one of my teachers would constantly remind me to keep my wrists up. Now typing freely on the computer feels reminiscent of soft keys under my touch dancing in the fluidity of the music of my own thoughts. Interesting how the fingers enjoy dancing around just as much as our own bodies. I guess the idea of freedom isn’t just a desire for the conscious brain but a hope for the soul itself. Freedom from the bondage of flesh is the expression of whatever motion comes through. To make sense is not to express, we just gotta let go sometimes and feel only what energy is moving us to what extent and for what reason.

Why try to run from getting the dirt out of our own mind. The brain and heart gets heavy and cluttered like an old attic, dusting is tedious but it’s so worthwhile every time it is completed. I miss doing soul charts, I’m going to do one today. Blending numerology and destiny is fun for me, I just feel like sound and math are the true birthing parents of this universe and numerology embodies the artistic form of math relative to the way sacred geometry puts me at ease. While the sound carries the vibrational definitions of the universe. Our names are just keys and maps to our painted picture back at the source. We just have to decode the sound of music our specific letters play in our realms and dimensions of experience.

I’ve been listening to more classical music lately, it’s funny how I write differently on a computer than in a notebook , the idea that this will still be read and the ego saying “this is irrelevant.” However, I know it is all a space to be free and explore and for that I am grateful and in turn will not judge myself. I love you all for being the best creative souls you can be and I am inspired to learn and grow with the rest of this beautiful planet. We are all one thought trying to reconnect the expanding holes of love on this world through these vessels, we will succeed.


And So It Is.

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself


Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Normally I write these in my journals handwritten although sometimes it feels like a nice break and a new challenge to do the same thing on the computer. Feels like I’m being tested more on this medium being that I am more consciously aware of what I’m saying due to the fact that I am finding the letters on a keyboard to seek out the completion of a word. Anyway, I love this method of writing!!!

The Inspiration

     So for some reason, I got this feeling a couple weeks ago that I needed to research a possible spiritual purpose for hair. As some are aware, everything in the illusion of Earth is, not only alive, but also has a purpose to spiritually connect us to the ethers and our soul. In Western society we are taught the purpose of hair on the body is to protect voids (orifices) on the body and regulate subtle body heat and it is emphasized that the hair on our head is simply dead protein. However, the other week it dawned on me that it is must be impossible for a living being to produce anything that is “dead.” I personally have been using natural body care products for a few years now, specifically because what we use on our body ends up in our bloodstream, but I was convinced subconsciously there are more subtle reasons for participating in conscious care.


There are many people, spending  lots of energy doing their hair daily for reasons of fashion, style, or individuality. Many of whom are losing the power held within their hair and diluting its representation of strength thanks to the material, consumerist matrix many still dwell within.

So, What is Hair Really?

     In some Eastern traditions hair is recognized as the most potent form of protein in the world due to its high vitamin bio-availability for the brain, but in many native cultures it is accepted that hair is the antennae that connect us to pranic energy. Prana is the life force energy given to us by the sun and various elements of the universe and because of hair’s communication with the ether, the strength of hair’s electromagnetic power is constantly regenerated.

     Hair is also considered by some to be an extension of our nervous system, transmitting information to areas such as the limbic system and the brain stem. Leg hair is relative to the electromagnetic field of the lower lumbar and pituitary gland, armpit hair is responsible for protecting the sympathetic nervous system, and beards on men protect overactivity of the lunar center.

     Native peoples believe hair to be the physical manifestation of thoughts and as such, emphasize the importance of holding only pure and balanced ideas within to maintain the hair’s strength. In order to amplify the antennae and their power, native cultures all over use specific care techniques and have developed hairstyles that aid to collect and distribute prana through the hair and into the environment.

The Power Within the Style…

Hairstyles aren’t just another fashion statement as most people tend to use them. The  placement, style, and care all matter heavily when it comes to energy and hair. Bet you didn’t know bangs weren’t such a great idea as they block light transmission through the third eye.

The Sikhs believe one should first comb hair with a wooden comb in all directions, as wood does not charge or discharge any electromagnetic energy within the hair. Wearing hair coverings protect the antennae from harsh weather changes and also activate pressure points on the head to receive clarity.

Monk’s Hair Released from Turban

Gurumustuk Singh stated “It is very positive for a woman to wear her hair tied on top of her head on the solar center in a rishi knot…men tie a rishi knot almost where the soft point was when he was a child.” The “soft spot” is recognized as the crown chakra and when hair is coiled or knotted at the solar centers, channeled spiritual vibrations are better retained and Kundalini energy is allowed to travel in opposition to the Pranic energy.

“Sattvik” Bun & Energy Collection
“Woman with loose hair and a mad dog have no difference whatsoever as far as integrity is concerned”










     The native Manataka American Indians compare their long locks to the Sweet Grass of Mother Earth, establishing their combing rites to include different brush/handle materials, symbols, or specific designs optimizing physical/spiritual outcomes during combing. Just as the sikhs hold styling traditions in coiling the hair, Native Americans have traditional braiding rites that sometimes include the addition of Sweet Grass to symbolize the serpents of wisdom. It is common for young men of tribes to place Sweet Grass in their braids for purification rites as well, using the braid as a way to unite their thoughts with Mother Earth. Because hair strands are individually weak, the “braids symbolize Oneness and Unity…when joined together in Oneness, physically demonstrate the strength of Oneness.”

Native American Braided Bun on Solar Center

     Of course, hair antennae are not expected to be styled at all times, all cultures agree there are times when the hair should flow freely, it all depends upon how one wishes to demonstrate harmony with life or thoughts of Oneness towards others.

Truth Behind Cutting Hair

     Due to the unique hollow structure of hair and its ability to store energy in the roots, hair antennae act as a mirror for the physical and mental health within the body and is therefore highly susceptible to negative vibrations. In Eastern and Native cultures haircuts were held at the same spiritual stature as styles and would only be cut during certain times.

     The Manataka for example, trust they are Spirits that live forever and when someone passes, the hair is cut after 1 year of mourning to symbolize the new “life.” Otherwise most cultures agree one’s hair should be cut only when making major life changes, renouncing the past, or letting go of past misdeeds.

     It is common in Western culture for people to cut their hair for personal preference, to maintain a “clean” look, especially for men. However, cutting hair is a much more spiritual act than taught to us by our Western society [government]. A government who knows firsthand, the real truth of haircuts.Rigggggggggggggggght+because+christians+wanted+to+help+native+americans+by+saying+_523154fa521132ac81918f8c9d588544

Many slaves taken from heavily spiritual cultures, were forced to shave or cut their hair as it caused them to become more submissive. The most well-known culture who experienced such feats were the Native American tribes.

During the Vietnam war American troops went through Native lands searching for “talented scouts;” they were really looking for Native American men whom were known for their impeccable tracking and navigational skills. Once the troops found the men they wanted, they recruited them to base and once enlisted, the Americans discovered the Native’s sixth sense abilities seemed to have disappeared. “When questioned about their failure to perform…older recruits replied consistently that when they receive their required military haircuts…they couldn’t ‘read’ subtle signs as well or access subtle extrasensory information.” (United Truth Seekers)

     There are, of course, some exceptions to spiritual haircuts like cutting during the moon phases for optimal health or religious/monk shavings. Though even some consider monks to be equally as empty a vessel as slaves, only difference being that monk’s carry with them a spiritual message.

Love Your “Roots”

When I was young I always had really long hair and throughout the 24 years of my life I’ve also had many cuts, styles, and bangs but I can honestly say I never really liked having my hair cut. I would cut it for personal style and for better management however, I have also noticed how much my hair has changed because of such spiritual manipulation.

Together we can help one another return to our spiritual connection with Mother Earth through these powerful vessels known to us as the human body. We are etheric beings first and must continue to care for ourselves and the world with that always in mind. Love the roots of your culture and love the roots sprouting from your crown chakra, for both are guides to super ceding this modern manipulation.


From my mind onto paper, into morning pages,/

I get pulled away from the mess./

Only thing required?/

Action, Desire, and no stress./

Hopes need a harness but many walk with hearts hardened,/

Lots of waves, to and fro they come from beings,/

Different directions of energy stray, but I believe in what I’m feeling./

Many masters will descend during our efforts to ascend,/

Though the ability to comprehend, got people at their wit’s end!


Every path of life receives sparks of love and light,/

From above where we feel one, so no space to get stuck./

I elevate beside the land, it’s never depleted nor torn,/

Most are consumerists with habits of zombies, who simply enjoy to gorge!/

So stop it, be one with Earth,/

There’s still time so I won’t wait for a re-birth./

Forgettin’ whomever and if they follow, just gonna make it happen,/

If the world gives into sorrow, I’ll stand here as the captain!

Ascendant Soul

Bodies come, their souls depart,

Among those, we’ve loved with our heart,

Take resonance among the solice,

For the silent moment will only bring more promise,

Ahead we see, the paradise, the source,

Of course, we are to inherit the love that pours.

Lucky we should be for the opportunity,

For to say you have lived on Earth is a rarity,

Ascended angels, Guiding souls, lights of ember as they glow

Never will the flame go out, across the distance, as your soul goes,

To grow, as a seed it is sowed,

Life is beautiful; sometimes it is shortened,

Better to believe no one is given a short end,

Grateful am I to those I have witnessed in passing,

Through the grace of each soul, the universe keeps me laughing.

This is a poem in honor of a fallen friend/teammate/angelic soul.


Samantha Nguyen,

You have always been such a joy to be around, your art was amazing, your family is among the most beautiful people I know. It was more than an honor to be in the presence of such a wise soul and I am so proud that you have ascended at such a young age. You have brought so many of us together from YMCA, to high school, and all events in between, and with such a sudden surprise, all I have left to say is thank you for blessing the Earth with your energy and best of luck to your role in higher realms. I miss you dude, but see you later for sure ❤

Loss of The Soul. The Path to Retrieval.

Loss of The Soul. The Path to Retrieval.


There are always points we reach in self-identity where the sense that a piece of our self is missing. The feeling may be described as not being entirely present within the body or a sense of being disassociated within the mind and “reality” itself. As I discussed in a previous article regarding energy clearing, anything manifested within the physical body has already occurred within the energetic bodies first. Intuition is humanity’s key teacher and if something doesn’t feel right within the self, in most cases, the assumption is correct. It is seemingly impossible for anyone whom plays out their role on Earth, to exist without ever losing a fragment of their soul.


In more tribal cultures it was not uncommon to notice the symptoms of soul loss immediately, ergo healing was able to take place a lot sooner than what is available to us today. There remains a large percentage of the population whom continue to experience soul loss without full awareness. Due to the culture in which we currently reside, humanity’s sensitivity to the soul has been numbed. In order to decipher between soul loss and a temporary feeling of confusion, ask yourself if the signs below occur more often than not.

  • A sense of passion for life has dissipated
  • Depression, Apathy
  • Addictions (drugs, alcohol, etc.)
  • Recurring suicidal thoughts, thoughts that seem weird or not your own
  • Different personalities under different circumstances
  • Chronic disassociation, feeling the world is passing by you
  • Feeling incomplete
  • Loss of personal power/low self-esteem

The Common Cause

There is one thing common in Earth’s reality that all human beings share the experience of having, and that’s illness. Although the place illness manifests within is not the same from person to person, whether it’s mental, physical, or emotional, everyone has suffered. Understand because human beings are not initially of this reality, the scarring that can occur upon a light being’s soul is drastic and varies according to the lessons each soul has sought out here on Earth.

Shamans believe all illnesses are brought about due to traumatic experiences. The way physical illness enters the body through vulnerable orifices, the same occurs when dealing with the soul. During a traumatic event a piece of the soul flees the body as a way to protect itself and it tends to leave behind a gap within the energy field of the body it hosts. The holes left by a loss of soul are more important to heal first than the physical issues. As we are in essence light beings, what is separating itself from the soul’s whole are essential pieces of light and vital energy.

Returning Home

Soul retrieval is believed to be the most important healing process for humans. Shamans recognize all origins of illness as a direct response to fragmentation of the soul and in turn, are the only ones skilled enough to participate in retrievals. As society has strayed from the idea of the conscious collective and instead built itself upon the belief of separate beings, the first step must be taken to retrieve personal power within each individual. When called upon, a shaman will voyage, sometimes with the help of the person, to find the missing light fragments of the individual in other worlds. Once the particle has been located, the shaman will then blow into the person to return the missing light back into the soul.

When the light body has been mended, it is up to the individual to be receptive and allow the found light to be completely absorbed into every fraction of the etheric bodies. As souls heal individually and openly, it will be incredible the amount of healing that will occur within the collective oversoul.

Do not feel at a loss, we are all here for one another.

Seven Energetic Bodies of The Human

Seven Energetic Bodies of The Human


The Human Being

The dense form created from the elements is what makes us human, but what exactly are we being?

Most of us project the character of our emotions, thoughts, feelings, desires, and would say we are ‘being ourselves’ but these are more habitual reactions than they are the essence of our being. Animation of form has a source and is not just random, it is energy that inspires the impulse of action and from that perspective it can be assumed the answer is that we are not being, but being a channel.

It is important that we remember we are spiritual, energetic beings, having a human experience and not “human beings.” If there are a few conscious topics people are comfortable with, it is the idea of karma and maybe even reincarnation, is it too far out to believe also that our soul is subconsciously, and continuously, aware in multiple layers of existence? Each layer moving farther away from density, limitation, and matter and closer to freedom and love.

Our Energetic Essence

 There is a common belief that the brain is the central transmitter for communication between the body’s systems but there is only one boss that governs energy within the body and that is the aura. The human aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds the physical body; it is made up of seven energetic fields that correlate to seven chakra centers in the physical body. It is through these energetic meridians we are able to project our being, or “personality,” and animate the human body into its environment.

Each field of energy, nesting inside one another like the familiar Russian dolls, vibrates at a higher speed than their physical counterpart. Which explains why most people are only used to seeing each other in their most dense form. On the other hand, those whom are adjusted to seeing auras on a regular basis would be defined as clairvoyant; although, everyone is capable of achieving the ability.

The different bodies of energy are grouped into three of the 31 planes of existence.

Physical Plane

The layer closest to the physical body is known as the Etheric Body, it is connected to the root chakra and responsible for the balance of any human’s physical health. Anything causing discomfort physically or causing illness, is a sign of imbalance.

The second layer is the Emotional Body, connected to the sacral chakra, it is responsible for emotional well-being, sexuality, and creative power. Harbored negative emotions and feelings may cause difficulty in this channel.

Next is the Mental Body, in charge of our ideas, thoughts, and the way we process our environment, this channel of energy is connected to the solar plexus chakra. Habitual thoughts gain power in this realm, both negative and positive. An increase in consistent negative thinking may be proof of blockage.

Astral Plane

Probably the most popular of the energetic bodies is the fourth, the Astral Body, due to the fascination with astral travel. This energy meridian represents our strength in connection with the spiritual and astral realms and is communicated through the heart chakra center. If there is stale energy in this field it may cause difficulties in our relationships with ourselves and others.

Spiritual Plane

Through the fifth, Etheric Template Body, we channel our will and reach the first body of more higher conscious levels. A sign of weak energy through the throat chakra could cause a struggle when trying to complete priorities.

The Celestial Body follows; it is the awareness we reach once we are able to express unconditional love and where we are able to communicate with the spiritual realm.

The seventh and final field, the Ketheric (Causal) Body, is our connection to the Divine and our Over-soul. A consciousness where we are able to vibrate at the highest frequencies and exist as One with the universe.

Keeping Clean

With the same conscious awareness we maintenance our physical body, it is imperative we take the time to maintain the same cleansed environment for our energetic bodies. We exist not on this dimension, we are simply channeling energy from our soul’s universal experiences and with a clear bridge of communication between the energetic and spiritual realms, we are able to create an enjoyable human experience for ourselves and every other soul involved.

There are many ways to clear your energetic bodies through resources online, spiritual teachers, and those initiated into spiritual healing and I hope you will feel inclined to find out what can work for you!

Click here for an example of auric cleansing!!
