Bob Marley Link

Bob Marley Link


     Because I am so passionate about sharing the positive effects of sound, geometry, and our bodies I wanted to share some Bob Marley at 432 hz.

     Everyone loves reggae, it is world music because it speaks to all people so what better way to hear good music while attuning ears to higher consciousness? 😊

     This video is awesome because the person whom posted it, gives a nice small intro into the history of society and music.

CLICK HERE!!! Bob Marley 440hz VS 43hz

                    I AM SO IT IS.

     Music! Nothing moves us throughout the day as strongly and sincere as music. With an art form created by frequency, music is so closely related to the building blocks of life. Frequencies are patterns, literal geometric shapes affixed to dimensions and original sounds of the universe. 

     Each frequency represents itself in, what we know as, sine waves. To make tones and overtones, the universe uses natural laws of math and physics. Different hertz are slowly making an impact on some producers and musicians whom are consciously inclined.

     Understand this the way you understand music to change moods. Frequencies manipulate the waves of water, which we are made mostly of, as you’ve witnessed before even in small puddles. It also strongly affects the function of the brain, activating either theta, alpha, or delta waves. Think about the article I posted about CYMATICS. (If you haven’t read my article or seen the video I highly suggest doing so before continuing this post, it’s beautiful!)

     We have been listening to music produced by society at a specific hertz to keep us foggy, mentally unclear and separated from heart. Pretty much, the mental and heartless leading the ignorant with a force as strong as sound. There are countless frequencies that match higher realms of existence such as Solfeggio, or the golden mean but they must be sought out. Those whom have illustrated this world’s system have hidden subtle powers within our mainstream lifestyles.

     Reading about music and it’s secrets aren’t the same as experiencing so please go further and research the theories behind 432hz and 528hz versus the common 440hz. What resonates with you is the truth because music can’t lie to your heart. If research isn’t your favorite way to learn then please actively listen to songs played at the different frequencies provided and see what you teach yourself.

     Enjoy this beautiful Saturday with good vibes and good music! I Love You, You Are Perfect.

                     I AM SO IT IS.

New Generation of Hop-Hop: Fat Dom

New Generation of Hop-Hop: Fat Dom

Musical talent is dispersed across Los Angeles like city lights and palm trees. Though it is the rare occasion we cross paths with something or someone, strikingly different, that revives sound and makes it unique and fresh all over again.

IMG_20150910_213822For fans of hip-hop who appreciate hype beats and have a passion for sick lyricism, Fat Dom carries both traits within his sound. Definitely a master of street bangers and conscious music.

Music has always been an open book into emotions of artists. It is a way for the listener to find their own emotions through the artist and connect. Fat Dom surely adheres to hip-hop’s picturesque storytelling to draw his listeners closer.

I was granted the opportunity to receive Dom’s personal perspective on his craft and am excited to share both his voice and his music, below.

Rooted Unit: What is the most interesting piece of inspiration you use to create your art?

Fat Dom: “My most interesting inspiration for my music is Life. My life is like a movie. I can’t be in the studio all day, I have to go out and experience life go through some real life shit and that’s where my inspiration and creativity comes from. The fact that I’m struggling, and people sleep on my music makes it hard for me to sleep at night, and that pushes me to get up and go make some hits.”

Rooted Unit: What message are you seeking to share through music?

Fat Dom: “My message in my music is to always be aware of what’s really going on out here but chase your dreams. We all have a voice so use it to your best ability. I still need to work on my music and make it better so I can reach out to the Kids because the youth is the future. My music right now is street conscious so the people who are mainly listening are adults because they understand and relate to the struggle.”


Rooted Unit: Most artists have a habit of going back to their work once it is finished; Which elements must be delivered within your work for you to consider it complete?

Fat Dom: “Timeless Lyrics has to be delivered. You have to hear the hunger in my voice. I want you to feel my passion so once i get that gut feeling like yeah i went hard. I know I got another classic.”

Rooted Unit: Do you have any projects available for readers to listen or download?

Fat Dom: “Right Now I only Have My Gramercy Mixtape available for Download on I’ve been releasing records on Soundcloud for my supporters who really listen and check for my new music. I appreciate their appreciation.”

Rooted Unit: Is there anything we can look forward to in the future from Fat Dom?

Fat Dom: “I’m currently working on my new CD. I decided to call my CD ‘At War With Myself’ because I’m battling myself everyday. I use to point the finger and blame them for the things going on in my life but when you mature you begin to own up to decisions you made that affected the outcome your life. The only person that can stop you from being great is yourself. Youll never know your limits unless you push yourself. You can never get to know someone else until you know yourself. You cant love or take care of others until you love or take care of yourself. So I’m at War Myself. Once I win that battle I can conquer anything.”




Fat Dom can be found performing at many local shows around Los Angeles; catch up with him on social media to stay up to date!

Follow him on Instagram and Twitter


Tethered by an imaginary string/

I make my way into a new life swing/

New dimensions, experiencing new lessons/

Along the way, learning to create hope, love, and progression//

Many people want attention, they got big egos blarin/

Don’t wanna miss a mention, it’s only gossip that’s sharin/


Feelings are gettin hurt/

people living without worth/

Hear words and keep focus so the actions mean dirt//

But we should be more assured/

as a people, be more secured//

Instead of hanging onto others, like children dangle their mothers/

Guide yourself towards the light, need no help from an usher//


No doubt, we all one, but independence is what leads us/

All pouts if not won by industry elitist leaders//

Projections of inception, can’t exist in the fifth/

But protections of exceptions, already do where we live/

When the shift comes round it’ll be swift/

Don’t be impatient/

Don’t begin to drift/

This here is no race, so we don’t know where it’ll end//


Here we have landed/

Thought galactic families left us stranded//

But when I think of home it’s all around me, it’s known/

Forgot the path of my purpose for living/

All surfacing light beings likely living as human beings//


Here we’ve landed, I’ve been planted/

Here we’ve landed, sometimes I simply can’t stand it/

Here we’ve landed, divine energy was implanted/

Love’s vibrancy is now in transit/

We can only hope Earth’s destination has been granted//

Recollect myself through old memories/

not quite relics yet, but my soul, says their freeing me//

Fighting negative attacks/

The occasional dreams of being trapped//

I’m tapped out and this is the last round/

Ideas flowin in my head imma pass out//


Fearlessness is the thesis/

Weakness isn’t always the preface/

But learn to recognize when the ethers are teasin//

Afraid of all the universes?/

Please, we’re one, with all that the universe sees//

I have witnessed channeled knowledge/

Got heavy love for the akashic, and for it’s words, we pay homage//


Maintaining motivation to walk alongside earth/

Not staining creation, causing rock slides against dirt/

I’d rather believe in our being as a gift more than a curse//

There’s new ideas imprinting a path to retain/

Go paint the brain/

And not just half/

Release and free the whole effing thing/

We’ve Landed.

Do we have the ability to have rational conversations?

Some of us call it passion so they control the flow and save it/

But what really do they know?/

Most of these dark entities and energies are after the innocent souls/

Hanging out down below the chakra of the Sol where you never go!/

They stone-cold like rocks aimed, forget the sweetness you’re used to, cold-stone is not my name/

Don’t matter anyway what the crooked gotta say/

Our thoughts are the ones that matter/

No need to be popular to cut and expose bullshit political chatter, just be careful with my white clothes not to splatter!/

Leave the knife there on the table/

Don’t mind what for, I’ll use it later/

Split the tension of the ears whom are not listenin’, so listen in if you wanna spit it back verbatim/

Illusional minds busy discussing monopolizing occupations/

Writing out my rhymes, spending time having rational conversations.


New Generation of Hip-Hop: Jetpack Jones

New Generation of Hip-Hop: Jetpack Jones

    With new age artists from the east coast making their voices heard with a gritty anarchist style to their sound, a few out here on the west are taking a more peace and relax approach when sending out their message. Hip-Hop artist Jetpack Jones is one in particular whom embodies the soulful artistry of the music…we can thank Bob Marley and Sade for that.


Alongside amazingly aesthetic album artwork, completed by Eustace Mamba, and trippy video visuals, created by Jeremias Corona, Jetpack Jones has managed to put out over 8 mix-tapes since 2009 spreading knowledge of political propaganda, black history and culture, and promoting a lifestyle built on peace and soul.


What makes Jetpack more laid back than most artists is that every tape has been available for free upon release; some personal favorites being The 3rd Eye Initiative  and Afterburners 4: Retro$pect. He has stated on a song included on the tape, Afterburners 3: The Brink, that it’s not the money that motivates him, he just wants to “…do it for the love.” Lucky for listeners that means no cliche bars and endless seconds of riding the beat, just great classic style hip-hop.

Consistency is the key to Jetpack Jones’s current success and with affiliations such as Mann, Tone Oliver, female artist P.O.P.E, and producer Brock Berrigan, the Jetpack Movement will continue to fly amongst the best of the new age.

Listen to the latest from Jetpack Jones on the top and a few of his previous tapes on the bottom!

Afterburners 4: Retro$pect
Jetpack Jones Mixtapes

New Generation of Hip-Hop: Ab-Soul

New Generation of Hip-Hop: Ab-Soul

He’s Back!!

For myself, getting introduced to music of a higher conscious all started with Ab-Soul’s album Control System in 2012. It is well recognized 2012 came with a lot of controversy with the likes of the mayan prophecy and a little internet takeover known as SOPA. At a time where most people were allowing themselves to be led blindly, Ab-Soul was trying to move the younger generation to take back their control and freedom from the governmental system. The album was filled with new age and political conversations; showcased in heavy hitter tracks such as Pineal GlandTerrorists Threats, and Beautiful Death.

It is now 2015 and after a few features with other artists and his 2014 album These Days, Soulo has allowed a SoundCloud user to leak his most recent verse, “47 Bars”  which was produced by the talented Alchemist. It would appear this new song has become Ab’s most controversial piece yet; not only due to his remark on twitter

I might get dropped from the label for this 1, but fuck it lol…

but also because of rhymes within the verse that imply shots taken at Young Thug, Cash Money, and the entire industry itself…

Peep the heat Below!

Soulo Hoe.

R.I.P Capital Steez, Tupac, & Notorious B.I.G

New Generation of Hip-Hop: Honey Soula


Back for round 2, two years later, new experiences and a new city, it’s possible you may want to enjoy a little extra honey with your tea this morning! With her most recent mix-tape Wonderland, Honey Soula is definitely making impressions upon the underground, LA conscious rap movement. Her name may be inspired by a sweet treat but bangers such as Mad Hatter and Indigo showcase her ability to slow drip the sweet and blend it with heat. Blessed by the divine number 7, the track-list may seem short but, Honey presents more than enough content to prove she’ll soon be a top female lyricist.


To compliment the drop of the second tape, Honey has also released the music video for her single “90’s Kids.” Personally, this is my favorite track on the mixtape and if 90’s nostalgia has your heart, you might want to put the POGS and Jacks down to watch this one…

To dip into more Honey Soula, listen to her first tape Peace of Mind.