

I watched recently, a documentary on Netflix titled Happy. The filmcovered different cultures across the globe, discovering what it was specifically, that was making people so happy. Following some original untouched societies such as The Bushmen, or more contemporary living styles in Denmark, the most important aspect in true happiness was found to be Flow.

The documentary implies Flow as a direct channel into contenment. However, to be content, the I must be able to recognize gifts in each moment, beyond the eyes. I believe Flow is only found in the presence of gratitude; ergo gratitude itself, is created and transmuted into happiness.

When water molecules course through a river, they flow with the rhythm and tides already happening within the current. Same goes for the way our bodies regenerate and take care of themselves, all pieces play a role and follow universal flow. The difference found in The Flow of humanity is that consciousness becomes a variable in the outcome of created happiness. The ability we have to imagine beyond the present moment, and interact with something more “desirable,” causes flow to diminish in any situation. It’s flirting with gratitude that makes the soul happy.

We all remember someone in our past who has  reminded us to “go with the flow” when moments of stress, doubt, and fear arise. That person, that reminder, was physically manifested flow. Think of it as the universe calling you home for dinner. Let’s come back to peace, enjoying moments as they are, witnessing the magic of the universe in ebb and flow.

As manifestations of spirit and water, we deserve to flow, it is in our nature.

[yup, pun intended😉]

In a minute’s time, thoughts come and go/
As quickly as we brush past a shoulder unknown/
Without awareness, what happens is empty/
Create the desire and don’t be angry, be silly/
Loneliness in vulnerable hearts, imprinting upon the spirit/
Strong minds adapt/
They innately know how to clear it/
But with all that hope…
where is the fear at?/

Hold on,

I can feel that it’s trying/
Collecting the souls as they’re dying/
Sorry Sam, but no uncle crying/

The conscious of a humane society/


Create Your Life

Create Your Life

What Does It Mean To Be An Artist?

Most people would probably assume the profile of someone who uses charcoal on newspaper print or oil paints on an old car hood. While those are definitely types of artists, creation and perspective are not restricted to use in fine art and illustrations alone. Even after receiving a major in Art, I have to continue to reconnect with my own creative power to strengthen confidence, not only in my craft, but in all variables of life. There are times we all feel as though life is either stagnant or moving by us and we have no say in what’s happening, so how do we learn to interact with what is and live creatively?

So, Do We Control or Do We Guide?

Guidance and control work through different methods to create the same ending. We don’t control a brush when we paint, we guide it along a desired path and if variables come along the way that change the desired outcome, we adapt. If we could control the brush we wouldn’t need to hold the tool at all.

To try and control our lives would be just as foolish as trying to control a painting, there are 7 billion other people involved on this planet with their own desires and expectations. It could be understood that the essence of control is expectation due to its similarity with assumption. Both expectations and assumptions approach situations with the idea things will occur without error but as we all know, “Life Happens!”

Guidance on the other hand possesses acceptance and freedom. It offers us the ability to adapt to each moment as it plays out and feeling confident enough to design our lives around change. Being that change is the only constant, adjusting to a more artistic lifestyle teaches us to view the world in a more organic and creative perspective.

There’s Always That One Thing…

As children we all gravitated towards something that gave us an escape into imagination and through that, we creatively inspired personal power, freedom, and joy within ourselves. The same applies to becoming an artist of your life at whatever stage you’re currently experiencing. Find that one thing that brings you into a comfortable, creative mindset, where fear and failure are nonexistent and you are able to only express and experience. When the soul unites with Spirit (chi, life force)in all aspects of life, it becomes impossible for anyone to represent themselves as anything other than an Artist.

Creative power over life is about believing oneself to contain the skills necessary to create joy out of each moment experienced. We as a collective make up life but Life is a collection of our experienced perceptions.

Be an Artist. Unite the soul with spirit. Design your experience.

To find out more about uncovering the artist within yourself and following the flow of spirit as the life force I recommend checking out…

Julia Cameron’s
The Artist’s Wayartistsway

Hua-Ching Ni’s

Tao the Subtle Universal Law and the Integral Way of Life
