Mental Protection Meditation

As spiritual beings we are living a multitude of lives simultaneously on Earth and on other, more energetic, realms. As an interlude towards a post I will be presenting on the seven auric bodies of the human energy field, I would like to share a meditation that has personally helped me withstand the mental conflict between negative and positive thought patterns and energy.

The video below is provided by Sarah Hall and guided by Archangel Michael; bringing forth the release of negative energy and spirits harbored within our auric fields, they seek to ensure the safety of our soul and the manifestation of its purpose.

Peace, Love, Light & Enjoy!

I am beyond excited to share with you all, the dream I have envisioned for so long. It has always been a struggle for me deciding whether or not to pursue an artistic career being that I have never felt completely confident in the work that I produce. I don’t believe any Art work to be “bad” work however, like most, I am my worst critic and I will allow the slightest doubt within to deter me from showcasing anything.

Of course… there always comes a time when the perspective seems to shift. Let’s face the heavy truth, “the only constant is change.”

Over the past couple of years I have been drawn to studying content regarding higher consciousness and from the moment I was introduced to the knowledge, it felt like a new lens had been placed over my eyes. Through each facet of learning to elevate my awareness I was ushered towards creating a more enjoyable life for myself and the collective.

I myself, have always subconsciously felt rooted to life when I was involved in creative outlets and a healthy lifestyle. I believe these two approaches to life innately force the soul to be self-sufficient and there is no better way to live our lives than through our own creational means.

Please join us in sharing what roots you to the unit of the globe!

Help other creative souls grow!