Mandela Effect.

Quantum Physics.




History Erased.


Lost Tribes.


Flat or Round.

Captured & Traded.

Diluted Brains.

Temporary Emotions.



Connecting Changes Everything.






Meaning; words within words within thy world.

Working toward a whirl of evolving space; stay.

Floating; amidst the mist of air lingering beneath feet.

Jump; the elements hum before I meant to reach

Pulled; Dimethyltryptamine leans in for my soul tether it’s getting better

Ascending; masters of all realms walk like negatives of films

Endless; spacial gases travelin until I’m released.

Zip; unlocked I’m carried back unto Earthly rocks gracefully

Fully; completed cycles of geometry, sacred merkaba awakened me.




                       I Am So It Is.

Divine Timing

     This video was presented to me by a friend a while ago but she re-sent it because I never got the chance to watch it.

     Funny the friend whom sent me this today, was in my dream last night, the dream that inspired the post earlier today.

     This song couldn’t be more perfectly fitting to how I was feeling and what better divine timing than to have the opportunity to watch it today.

     I invite you all to listen to this beautiful song as well! See below:

     Cyclical patterns of living… We all have a routine we’ve chosen to follow, whether we know it or not. Sometimes the pattern can just feel like something we’ve fallen into, like Alice’s rabbit hole except, the curiosity is gone. How do we allow ourselves to release from these stagnant habits of experience? Why does it seem like some people never have a dull moment? What is the driving variable of how we co-create our adventure with fate?

     I have a lot of questions about the motivations of life and reaching our ultimate achievement but not too many answers. I know we choose our lives before coming into this earth plane and I know we’re supposed to pay conscious attention to every moment to understand it’s fit in our life puzzle but I’ve never known the ending image I’m supposed to complete. How do I see it? Is it just more meditation?

     The cyclical patterns I have, bore me, and the patterns I see in my mind seem impossible under my actual circumstances. How do I bridge the gap between dream and reality? I’ve ALWAYS said I don’t want a basic job and I don’t want to just scrape by but as a youngster that’s all I ever witnessed. I can’t tell you one person whom was older at the time, that I personally knew, that was living out their dream. Not only that, but being sheltered and limited to certain activities, didn’t give me the opportunity to discuss interests and dreams with other young spirits like myself.

     I’ve always dreamed about being in a group of people that inspire one another and talk about their dreams. Now as I grow older, every year I feel like I’m playing catch up; trying to re-create formative years to raise myself emotionally how I always wanted. I definitely didn’t have a terrible childhood, I was social and I would draw and write poems every opportunity I could. On the other hand however, I was just an only child with no other youngins to help find myself, including our whole family. How trippy right?I never felt truly connected with my family anyway; that’s because no one ever communicated, or if done, not properly so I used to always draw my emotions out and give them to whomever I was saddened with. I will never forget the time I told a couple family members, individually, that I’ve never felt a part of our family forreal, I was probably like 8.

     Thinking back now on moments as such and understanding who I am becoming, I see whom I wish I was in this moment but building it myself is still a lonely process as I undergo this second round of building foundation for my energy fields.

     Waking up from another amazing astral dream is what sparked these questions. In the astral realm I live the life I see for myself, nothing fancy just exciting and adventurous. I used to sleep a lot when I was younger and my grandma would ask me why and I, then, thought it was because I was growing. I’m noticing this cycle come back; I’m getting super tired even when I want to be doing something else. Maybe the astral is where my true purpose is and on this plane I haven’t yet figured out my role. I’ll understand the rhythms soon. I understand, at least, Sacred Geometry is the key. Let’s share and create healthier patterns, for all energetic bodies, within each other’s makeup.

We are You. 

You are Me. 

I Am. 

So it is.

     Music! Nothing moves us throughout the day as strongly and sincere as music. With an art form created by frequency, music is so closely related to the building blocks of life. Frequencies are patterns, literal geometric shapes affixed to dimensions and original sounds of the universe. 

     Each frequency represents itself in, what we know as, sine waves. To make tones and overtones, the universe uses natural laws of math and physics. Different hertz are slowly making an impact on some producers and musicians whom are consciously inclined.

     Understand this the way you understand music to change moods. Frequencies manipulate the waves of water, which we are made mostly of, as you’ve witnessed before even in small puddles. It also strongly affects the function of the brain, activating either theta, alpha, or delta waves. Think about the article I posted about CYMATICS. (If you haven’t read my article or seen the video I highly suggest doing so before continuing this post, it’s beautiful!)

     We have been listening to music produced by society at a specific hertz to keep us foggy, mentally unclear and separated from heart. Pretty much, the mental and heartless leading the ignorant with a force as strong as sound. There are countless frequencies that match higher realms of existence such as Solfeggio, or the golden mean but they must be sought out. Those whom have illustrated this world’s system have hidden subtle powers within our mainstream lifestyles.

     Reading about music and it’s secrets aren’t the same as experiencing so please go further and research the theories behind 432hz and 528hz versus the common 440hz. What resonates with you is the truth because music can’t lie to your heart. If research isn’t your favorite way to learn then please actively listen to songs played at the different frequencies provided and see what you teach yourself.

     Enjoy this beautiful Saturday with good vibes and good music! I Love You, You Are Perfect.

                     I AM SO IT IS.


How many people you know who actually know you for real/

If you went away for years who would be around still?/

Who pays attention to your dreams and tries to help you out?/

Not too many people run the town like they mouth/

Ask about your progress so they can act like they were there the whole time/

But if I say I haven’t done much in a while will you keep conversing and smile?/

Eyes out more than hands these days so lookout when someone tryna copy your moves/

Don’t wait around forever, sleeping on your dreams is a real thing cuz if you snooze you lose/

They say closed mouths don’t get fed but I think that ideal is dead/

Keep it shut for so long they wonder where I tread but Im just focused on the bread/

Money means nothing until all you eating is peanut butter spread on bread with some jam/

So what they set you up, waited for you to fall so they could pick the pieces up and claim it all/

What was once a “good idea” turning out to be someone else’s feature/

But I’ll defeat ya/

Sharing is caring only if they helped carry you there/

We all entered in alone and what’s fair is what’s fair/

So if you can’t pay the fare and can’t seem to play fair, don’t come round here asking if I’m making it anywhere/

                     I AM SO IT IS

Inspired by Fire

Where can I find inspiration when I feel creatively inept?/ 

Artists are their own biggest critics but am I judging myself or an image?/ 

It’s difficult finding paths in this reality to seek/

 Most people compete for the same thing but I want to be in a league that’s unique./ 

In a world where the masses conform into molds that form what’s normal,/ 

In a society where walls and stones are covered in tattoos but if you put em on your bones no one’s gonna wanna hear you./ 

Searching for where the love is at, where’s all the inspiration? Not all this beautiful artwork should stem from humiliations./ 

Not all of these art pieces should show off manipulation./ 

A habitat for human beings represented through pain and bleeding/

 If it’s not showcasing political accusations and segregation they could care less bout how you make it./ 

Stop playing into mind frames of this life, they got you playing Clue. / 

Instead I should use art to search for the root cause like Guess Who?/

 I have creative hearts that I look up to, the rebels of the world/ 

Anarchists, artists, and anonymous who are honest and focused/

 Pain can be inspiration but I wanna stare through a lens that’s all the way open.

     Body pains have the weirdest way of trying to explain to your mind that something within the auric fields is off. Everywhere within our physical body, we have energy meridians. The same trigger points an acupuncturist would work with to move energy-flow within.

     I haven’t done much research on the topic of chi and where the meridians are specifically located. However, we are all familiar with random sharp pains, lasting dull pain, or pain that seems to move around different areas and limbs. The life force within the body uses an old form of communication to speak to us about what spirit needs. Speaking with words in an intricately patterned sentence, is a recent art form we created and learned in this dimension.

     Originally, the way the aboriginals in Australia can, we shared a collective memory with each other. It wasn’t just photographic memory but living consciousness, like a 3D replay of all history everyone could tune into and watch again. Although we’ve lost connection doing that with one another, the living consciousness of all our emotional bodies still communicates with us in the same manner. Instead of using someone else’s imagery to understand, the body paints a picture with the movement of aches and pains.

     We don’t need western medicine to cut open and rip us apart to find one ailment. We treat ourselves emotionally inside enough when we can’t find what’s wrong. We need to learn to experience interdimensionally and learning from our own bodies, listening to Self, is the best start. 

     There’s a lot we do not know about our own being, and maybe that one sharp pain is asking you to pay more attention to yourself in certain areas of life. Our higher self is like Benjamin button as a child; old and wise but needs a lot of attention.

     Treat yourself more. Love yourself more intentionally today.

                      I AM SO IT IS.

     Time is so trippy sometimes; it’s only Thursday but I swear every day this week when I woke up it’s felt like Friday. I think I’m just anxious for the weekend but consciously I don’t know why. Oh wait! I remember there was a full moon this week. I’m definitely feeling the weird energy because of that, the energy always sticks around a bit before and after the moon has phased. Plus, my sun and moon were sitting in Cancer when I came into this reality so this moon-child can be sure that’s why I feel off.

     The planets are so interesting in how they affect us, we completely forget sometimes that everything we experience is celestial. The planets are all alive the way Earth is however, it’s un-recognizable to us because we can’t see the entirety of the solar system. We are only able to see the existence of that which vibrates at the same frequency, or tone, of our earth. Remember when I was saying some of our potential hides in other dimensions? Well the universe exists as created matter and potential creation as well. Time is the most dramatic bed time story we could create, and we know within us these ideals we’ve held to are only intact due to a habit of the collective thought. 

     With that being said, the planets as we see them are only a fraction of what has been created. If we have to pull our creative potential into this dimension from our consciousness in other parallels, the same has to be done with any other being, including the planets. Each living being is animated by a piece of consciousness, the planets portrayed in this third dimension just aren’t animate in our reality, or as we like to say “during our ‘time’.” So we can time travel, astral travel, remote view; simply, we can exist outside of time. If your Mondays feel like a Friday well maybe it really is because you’re participating in two days rather than just the one seen. If you want to know how the planets are still affecting us when they seem deserted and depleted, maybe take a vacation into your mind’s eye and see how active these celestial bodies and their civilizations still are.

     Potential, A pretty big aspect in existence we have come to discredit based on what already is our what we can see with these eyes that see only a fraction of all the light out there. 





                    I AM SO IT IS.

     Finding that one talent or that one skill and capitalizing on it seems to be the way we teach each other about worth and success. All of our lives we are influenced to pick and showcase whom we are and how much better we’ll be in the future. What if no one gave praises for being themselves, would people strive to be the best or just their best selves?

     The way huemans were created, we were was originally only meant to work and mine gold for the more elevated beings on this planet. Once we we took the fruit of knowledge however, we took a transition in consciousness and became self aware. Unfortunately for huemans in our world, being self-aware, for many, became a competition to be the most talented or glorified being at any and all costs.

     With the knowledge we have we became self-righteous rather than focusing on self-preservation. With all the monotonous drama huemans have created to prove power and greatness, we have created a conscious divide between whom or what is worthy by focusing on so many broken illusions. Talent is a gift and skills are built with hope and determination. Almost think about them as universal tools, utensils to create our ultimate habitable planet. If we showcased one-ness, we would’ve already proven to ourselves the effervescent possibility of the hueman being as a multi-dimensional being.

     The truth is even hidden in our description, “Multi” dimensional. Existing on many planes means we innately have multiple skills and duties already; tuning in to those abilities and bringing them all forth within this third dimension is supposed to be fun, not seem impossible. I bet most of us have barely scratched the surface at whom or true selves are, so keep excavating. Dig out all you were taught, remove the mental patterns others have placed within you, mentally train yourself, and create your fate. Water inner aspects that will force you to become yourself so that instead of wanting to beat you to it, people will ask how it was done. They will wonder why you’re talents and skills are so well developed in different areas and want the same for themselves.

     The secret is, and has always been, focusing on the connection you make with yourself. We each came through the void of the womb, to represent as huemans, the aspects of our other dimensional bodies that will help guide this planet and it’s inhabitants to elevation. Even if you can’t remember what your purpose for coming to the school of Earth was, understand it begins with knowing spirit and the desire to over-stand the truth behind individuality.

                     I AM SO IT IS.

      It’s been almost two full months since moving into Portland from LA and it seems like I’ve been here longer for some reason haha. It’s like time slows down everywhere else when you’re not in an obnoxiously over crowded city. It’s nice though to enjoy the silence in the early mornings and late night; perfect setting for any artist.

     Since being here that’s all I can really think about anyway. The open space of being surrounded by natural beauty makes you take a step back and think how you can help beautify the place even more. Locals definitely take pride in maintaining the quality of their home and they’re the type of people whom inspire you to want to improve. People are so open here they just come right up to you anywhere and will begin a conversation. Vulnerability and transparency are definitely Oregon’s appeal and it’s a well-needed change coming from the land of hate and the fake.

     I remember when I was a kid and we had actual weather in California, when it wasn’t hot everyday. There has been so much work done to our ozone layer since the early 90’s, but imagine watching the obvious changes in such a”popular” city. Slowly watching real clouds disappear, being replaced with chemtrails, watching more people come because of the lifestyle they sell about California. Yo! The fact California STILL has commercials running. Why does a state need commercials? What has television taught us? Well they need commercials to get people to move here to spend money and stay and if anything, Television has taught us it constantly lies and hides certain realities from perception.

     Well Cali you can keep the dirty air, the rude idiots (whom most of the time aren’t local), the 2 hour traffic jams, the polluted and dangerous water, the uv rays, and the dirtiest oceans on Earth haha. 

     I don’t plan to stay in Oregon forever, I believe souls have certain places they must travel to grow and advance. There are hints to where that should be hidden within our past, our likes, dislikes, everything. Like energy attracts like energy once the forces recognize they’re not complete. Pay attention to the thoughts you have and how you feel and make sure stagnancy is not being coddled. Be inspired by your environment not tired by just trying to live.

     I am excited to delve deeper my art and right brain while living here and I will soak it in for as long as possible. But I also can’t lie about being excited for my next home-base.

                     I AM SO IT IS.


     I love writing everyday especially in the morning when all the thoughts and words are freshly floating in the air. I was discouraged from continuing to use this site because of how many uses they took away from the free package; all I can do is journal entries without any videos. However, that seems to have been a creative my ego was seeing up for me. Stepping away from WordPress for so long I realized it was the freedom of expression I missed.

     Often we hold these ideas about how we should express ourselves; thinking tirelessly over how to go about it instead of stepping right into action. This website will no longer be for rooted unit in the manner it was before. I still believe myself to be on a mission to become a spiritually rooted human and help unite consciousness but most of the time nothing goes the exact way we expect.

     Flow is around us in every moment and until we stop resisting the changing tides, we won’t traverse much farther. Letting go is key to growth.

     These posts won’t be meant for deep thought or sharing. They’ll just be consciousness Flow as I wake up in the mornings and release stale thoughts, energy, or memories. I don’t expect for you to even get this far when reading the Flows but if you do, I’m positive there is a message meant for you somewhere within the writing.

     I’ve been reading the Ancient Secrets of The Flower of Life Vol. 1 (I got my hands on vol. 2 first) and so now that I’m completing the books, most of my questions are getting answered. We receive knowledge as it is necessary for us to elevate. There is never a correct way to read or  research, as time is an illusion. Reading beginning to end is no different than reading end to beginning because the same turn of  events still apply. Perspective is what creates the drama; sometimes you may recognize the reason behind something or know it’s meaning without conscious knowledge of how it came about originally. The other possibility is experiencing a life path, lesson, or adventure without consciously knowing what the outcome will be out what purpose it holds.

     Just be your best self,take what you are given 100%, and live out each moment the way it has manifested.

                 I AM AND SO IT IS.

Recognizing the opportunity for Ahimsa in everyday life is an adventure not a limitation.

Ahimsa is the practice of nonviolence, from thoughts to actions to awareness of self.

The energy we allow to enter in from our environment becomes a part of our energy field and how we radiate. 

Are you throwing solar flares of undulating hot energy or passing on calming energy like the moonlight, soothing others?

Satisfying Hangry Energy With Vegan Food haha
Strive to be the best you beautiful souls! You deserve it and so does the world!



I watched recently, a documentary on Netflix titled Happy. The filmcovered different cultures across the globe, discovering what it was specifically, that was making people so happy. Following some original untouched societies such as The Bushmen, or more contemporary living styles in Denmark, the most important aspect in true happiness was found to be Flow.

The documentary implies Flow as a direct channel into contenment. However, to be content, the I must be able to recognize gifts in each moment, beyond the eyes. I believe Flow is only found in the presence of gratitude; ergo gratitude itself, is created and transmuted into happiness.

When water molecules course through a river, they flow with the rhythm and tides already happening within the current. Same goes for the way our bodies regenerate and take care of themselves, all pieces play a role and follow universal flow. The difference found in The Flow of humanity is that consciousness becomes a variable in the outcome of created happiness. The ability we have to imagine beyond the present moment, and interact with something more “desirable,” causes flow to diminish in any situation. It’s flirting with gratitude that makes the soul happy.

We all remember someone in our past who has  reminded us to “go with the flow” when moments of stress, doubt, and fear arise. That person, that reminder, was physically manifested flow. Think of it as the universe calling you home for dinner. Let’s come back to peace, enjoying moments as they are, witnessing the magic of the universe in ebb and flow.

As manifestations of spirit and water, we deserve to flow, it is in our nature.

[yup, pun intended😉]

New Generation of Hop-Hop: Fat Dom

New Generation of Hop-Hop: Fat Dom

Musical talent is dispersed across Los Angeles like city lights and palm trees. Though it is the rare occasion we cross paths with something or someone, strikingly different, that revives sound and makes it unique and fresh all over again.

IMG_20150910_213822For fans of hip-hop who appreciate hype beats and have a passion for sick lyricism, Fat Dom carries both traits within his sound. Definitely a master of street bangers and conscious music.

Music has always been an open book into emotions of artists. It is a way for the listener to find their own emotions through the artist and connect. Fat Dom surely adheres to hip-hop’s picturesque storytelling to draw his listeners closer.

I was granted the opportunity to receive Dom’s personal perspective on his craft and am excited to share both his voice and his music, below.

Rooted Unit: What is the most interesting piece of inspiration you use to create your art?

Fat Dom: “My most interesting inspiration for my music is Life. My life is like a movie. I can’t be in the studio all day, I have to go out and experience life go through some real life shit and that’s where my inspiration and creativity comes from. The fact that I’m struggling, and people sleep on my music makes it hard for me to sleep at night, and that pushes me to get up and go make some hits.”

Rooted Unit: What message are you seeking to share through music?

Fat Dom: “My message in my music is to always be aware of what’s really going on out here but chase your dreams. We all have a voice so use it to your best ability. I still need to work on my music and make it better so I can reach out to the Kids because the youth is the future. My music right now is street conscious so the people who are mainly listening are adults because they understand and relate to the struggle.”


Rooted Unit: Most artists have a habit of going back to their work once it is finished; Which elements must be delivered within your work for you to consider it complete?

Fat Dom: “Timeless Lyrics has to be delivered. You have to hear the hunger in my voice. I want you to feel my passion so once i get that gut feeling like yeah i went hard. I know I got another classic.”

Rooted Unit: Do you have any projects available for readers to listen or download?

Fat Dom: “Right Now I only Have My Gramercy Mixtape available for Download on I’ve been releasing records on Soundcloud for my supporters who really listen and check for my new music. I appreciate their appreciation.”

Rooted Unit: Is there anything we can look forward to in the future from Fat Dom?

Fat Dom: “I’m currently working on my new CD. I decided to call my CD ‘At War With Myself’ because I’m battling myself everyday. I use to point the finger and blame them for the things going on in my life but when you mature you begin to own up to decisions you made that affected the outcome your life. The only person that can stop you from being great is yourself. Youll never know your limits unless you push yourself. You can never get to know someone else until you know yourself. You cant love or take care of others until you love or take care of yourself. So I’m at War Myself. Once I win that battle I can conquer anything.”




Fat Dom can be found performing at many local shows around Los Angeles; catch up with him on social media to stay up to date!

Follow him on Instagram and Twitter


Tethered by an imaginary string/

I make my way into a new life swing/

New dimensions, experiencing new lessons/

Along the way, learning to create hope, love, and progression//

Many people want attention, they got big egos blarin/

Don’t wanna miss a mention, it’s only gossip that’s sharin/


Feelings are gettin hurt/

people living without worth/

Hear words and keep focus so the actions mean dirt//

But we should be more assured/

as a people, be more secured//

Instead of hanging onto others, like children dangle their mothers/

Guide yourself towards the light, need no help from an usher//


No doubt, we all one, but independence is what leads us/

All pouts if not won by industry elitist leaders//

Projections of inception, can’t exist in the fifth/

But protections of exceptions, already do where we live/

When the shift comes round it’ll be swift/

Don’t be impatient/

Don’t begin to drift/

This here is no race, so we don’t know where it’ll end//


Here we have landed/

Thought galactic families left us stranded//

But when I think of home it’s all around me, it’s known/

Forgot the path of my purpose for living/

All surfacing light beings likely living as human beings//


Here we’ve landed, I’ve been planted/

Here we’ve landed, sometimes I simply can’t stand it/

Here we’ve landed, divine energy was implanted/

Love’s vibrancy is now in transit/

We can only hope Earth’s destination has been granted//

Recollect myself through old memories/

not quite relics yet, but my soul, says their freeing me//

Fighting negative attacks/

The occasional dreams of being trapped//

I’m tapped out and this is the last round/

Ideas flowin in my head imma pass out//


Fearlessness is the thesis/

Weakness isn’t always the preface/

But learn to recognize when the ethers are teasin//

Afraid of all the universes?/

Please, we’re one, with all that the universe sees//

I have witnessed channeled knowledge/

Got heavy love for the akashic, and for it’s words, we pay homage//


Maintaining motivation to walk alongside earth/

Not staining creation, causing rock slides against dirt/

I’d rather believe in our being as a gift more than a curse//

There’s new ideas imprinting a path to retain/

Go paint the brain/

And not just half/

Release and free the whole effing thing/

We’ve Landed.

Time is tested every time we come to face the reality in front of us. Are we here, are we living elsewhere in our minds, what really is reality. Time frames are mind frames set in stone by habitual plays. We repeat the patterns without even noticing. To let go of old memories is good to notice the present moment but that’s no fun to never dwell on the past either. It’s nice to get lost in a daze within the mind.

It’s so beautiful this morning, too much gratitude to spew for being off and able to enjoy the sunshine streaming in through the window without having to worry about rushing out the door and missing all the beauty around me focusing in on the most unimportant task of my day. How is it that we get so entrapped within the cycles of “to-do” but it always seems like there’s something to do, except when it comes to paying attention to self.

Letting the fingers go away on the keyboard remind me of when I was learning piano, and one of my teachers would constantly remind me to keep my wrists up. Now typing freely on the computer feels reminiscent of soft keys under my touch dancing in the fluidity of the music of my own thoughts. Interesting how the fingers enjoy dancing around just as much as our own bodies. I guess the idea of freedom isn’t just a desire for the conscious brain but a hope for the soul itself. Freedom from the bondage of flesh is the expression of whatever motion comes through. To make sense is not to express, we just gotta let go sometimes and feel only what energy is moving us to what extent and for what reason.

Why try to run from getting the dirt out of our own mind. The brain and heart gets heavy and cluttered like an old attic, dusting is tedious but it’s so worthwhile every time it is completed. I miss doing soul charts, I’m going to do one today. Blending numerology and destiny is fun for me, I just feel like sound and math are the true birthing parents of this universe and numerology embodies the artistic form of math relative to the way sacred geometry puts me at ease. While the sound carries the vibrational definitions of the universe. Our names are just keys and maps to our painted picture back at the source. We just have to decode the sound of music our specific letters play in our realms and dimensions of experience.

I’ve been listening to more classical music lately, it’s funny how I write differently on a computer than in a notebook , the idea that this will still be read and the ego saying “this is irrelevant.” However, I know it is all a space to be free and explore and for that I am grateful and in turn will not judge myself. I love you all for being the best creative souls you can be and I am inspired to learn and grow with the rest of this beautiful planet. We are all one thought trying to reconnect the expanding holes of love on this world through these vessels, we will succeed.


And So It Is.

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself

Eye Kristina am comfortable expressing myself


Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Eye Kristina am expanding my creativity

Normally I write these in my journals handwritten although sometimes it feels like a nice break and a new challenge to do the same thing on the computer. Feels like I’m being tested more on this medium being that I am more consciously aware of what I’m saying due to the fact that I am finding the letters on a keyboard to seek out the completion of a word. Anyway, I love this method of writing!!!

Do we have the ability to have rational conversations?

Some of us call it passion so they control the flow and save it/

But what really do they know?/

Most of these dark entities and energies are after the innocent souls/

Hanging out down below the chakra of the Sol where you never go!/

They stone-cold like rocks aimed, forget the sweetness you’re used to, cold-stone is not my name/

Don’t matter anyway what the crooked gotta say/

Our thoughts are the ones that matter/

No need to be popular to cut and expose bullshit political chatter, just be careful with my white clothes not to splatter!/

Leave the knife there on the table/

Don’t mind what for, I’ll use it later/

Split the tension of the ears whom are not listenin’, so listen in if you wanna spit it back verbatim/

Illusional minds busy discussing monopolizing occupations/

Writing out my rhymes, spending time having rational conversations.


I always assume I should come to the site ready with ideas and inspirations to share and I set myself up for unnecessary stress. Forgetting the root of my creative inspirations comes from simply writing or doing whatever comes. So here’s a reminder to self to feel confident being vulnerable and expressive no matter what labels the ego attaches 🙂 Thank the universe to enjoy another day in this reality and express yourself fully always

The Inspiration

     So for some reason, I got this feeling a couple weeks ago that I needed to research a possible spiritual purpose for hair. As some are aware, everything in the illusion of Earth is, not only alive, but also has a purpose to spiritually connect us to the ethers and our soul. In Western society we are taught the purpose of hair on the body is to protect voids (orifices) on the body and regulate subtle body heat and it is emphasized that the hair on our head is simply dead protein. However, the other week it dawned on me that it is must be impossible for a living being to produce anything that is “dead.” I personally have been using natural body care products for a few years now, specifically because what we use on our body ends up in our bloodstream, but I was convinced subconsciously there are more subtle reasons for participating in conscious care.


There are many people, spending  lots of energy doing their hair daily for reasons of fashion, style, or individuality. Many of whom are losing the power held within their hair and diluting its representation of strength thanks to the material, consumerist matrix many still dwell within.

So, What is Hair Really?

     In some Eastern traditions hair is recognized as the most potent form of protein in the world due to its high vitamin bio-availability for the brain, but in many native cultures it is accepted that hair is the antennae that connect us to pranic energy. Prana is the life force energy given to us by the sun and various elements of the universe and because of hair’s communication with the ether, the strength of hair’s electromagnetic power is constantly regenerated.

     Hair is also considered by some to be an extension of our nervous system, transmitting information to areas such as the limbic system and the brain stem. Leg hair is relative to the electromagnetic field of the lower lumbar and pituitary gland, armpit hair is responsible for protecting the sympathetic nervous system, and beards on men protect overactivity of the lunar center.

     Native peoples believe hair to be the physical manifestation of thoughts and as such, emphasize the importance of holding only pure and balanced ideas within to maintain the hair’s strength. In order to amplify the antennae and their power, native cultures all over use specific care techniques and have developed hairstyles that aid to collect and distribute prana through the hair and into the environment.

The Power Within the Style…

Hairstyles aren’t just another fashion statement as most people tend to use them. The  placement, style, and care all matter heavily when it comes to energy and hair. Bet you didn’t know bangs weren’t such a great idea as they block light transmission through the third eye.

The Sikhs believe one should first comb hair with a wooden comb in all directions, as wood does not charge or discharge any electromagnetic energy within the hair. Wearing hair coverings protect the antennae from harsh weather changes and also activate pressure points on the head to receive clarity.

Monk’s Hair Released from Turban

Gurumustuk Singh stated “It is very positive for a woman to wear her hair tied on top of her head on the solar center in a rishi knot…men tie a rishi knot almost where the soft point was when he was a child.” The “soft spot” is recognized as the crown chakra and when hair is coiled or knotted at the solar centers, channeled spiritual vibrations are better retained and Kundalini energy is allowed to travel in opposition to the Pranic energy.

“Sattvik” Bun & Energy Collection
“Woman with loose hair and a mad dog have no difference whatsoever as far as integrity is concerned”










     The native Manataka American Indians compare their long locks to the Sweet Grass of Mother Earth, establishing their combing rites to include different brush/handle materials, symbols, or specific designs optimizing physical/spiritual outcomes during combing. Just as the sikhs hold styling traditions in coiling the hair, Native Americans have traditional braiding rites that sometimes include the addition of Sweet Grass to symbolize the serpents of wisdom. It is common for young men of tribes to place Sweet Grass in their braids for purification rites as well, using the braid as a way to unite their thoughts with Mother Earth. Because hair strands are individually weak, the “braids symbolize Oneness and Unity…when joined together in Oneness, physically demonstrate the strength of Oneness.”

Native American Braided Bun on Solar Center

     Of course, hair antennae are not expected to be styled at all times, all cultures agree there are times when the hair should flow freely, it all depends upon how one wishes to demonstrate harmony with life or thoughts of Oneness towards others.

Truth Behind Cutting Hair

     Due to the unique hollow structure of hair and its ability to store energy in the roots, hair antennae act as a mirror for the physical and mental health within the body and is therefore highly susceptible to negative vibrations. In Eastern and Native cultures haircuts were held at the same spiritual stature as styles and would only be cut during certain times.

     The Manataka for example, trust they are Spirits that live forever and when someone passes, the hair is cut after 1 year of mourning to symbolize the new “life.” Otherwise most cultures agree one’s hair should be cut only when making major life changes, renouncing the past, or letting go of past misdeeds.

     It is common in Western culture for people to cut their hair for personal preference, to maintain a “clean” look, especially for men. However, cutting hair is a much more spiritual act than taught to us by our Western society [government]. A government who knows firsthand, the real truth of haircuts.Rigggggggggggggggght+because+christians+wanted+to+help+native+americans+by+saying+_523154fa521132ac81918f8c9d588544

Many slaves taken from heavily spiritual cultures, were forced to shave or cut their hair as it caused them to become more submissive. The most well-known culture who experienced such feats were the Native American tribes.

During the Vietnam war American troops went through Native lands searching for “talented scouts;” they were really looking for Native American men whom were known for their impeccable tracking and navigational skills. Once the troops found the men they wanted, they recruited them to base and once enlisted, the Americans discovered the Native’s sixth sense abilities seemed to have disappeared. “When questioned about their failure to perform…older recruits replied consistently that when they receive their required military haircuts…they couldn’t ‘read’ subtle signs as well or access subtle extrasensory information.” (United Truth Seekers)

     There are, of course, some exceptions to spiritual haircuts like cutting during the moon phases for optimal health or religious/monk shavings. Though even some consider monks to be equally as empty a vessel as slaves, only difference being that monk’s carry with them a spiritual message.

Love Your “Roots”

When I was young I always had really long hair and throughout the 24 years of my life I’ve also had many cuts, styles, and bangs but I can honestly say I never really liked having my hair cut. I would cut it for personal style and for better management however, I have also noticed how much my hair has changed because of such spiritual manipulation.

Together we can help one another return to our spiritual connection with Mother Earth through these powerful vessels known to us as the human body. We are etheric beings first and must continue to care for ourselves and the world with that always in mind. Love the roots of your culture and love the roots sprouting from your crown chakra, for both are guides to super ceding this modern manipulation.


From my mind onto paper, into morning pages,/

I get pulled away from the mess./

Only thing required?/

Action, Desire, and no stress./

Hopes need a harness but many walk with hearts hardened,/

Lots of waves, to and fro they come from beings,/

Different directions of energy stray, but I believe in what I’m feeling./

Many masters will descend during our efforts to ascend,/

Though the ability to comprehend, got people at their wit’s end!


Every path of life receives sparks of love and light,/

From above where we feel one, so no space to get stuck./

I elevate beside the land, it’s never depleted nor torn,/

Most are consumerists with habits of zombies, who simply enjoy to gorge!/

So stop it, be one with Earth,/

There’s still time so I won’t wait for a re-birth./

Forgettin’ whomever and if they follow, just gonna make it happen,/

If the world gives into sorrow, I’ll stand here as the captain!

New Generation of Hip-Hop: Jetpack Jones

New Generation of Hip-Hop: Jetpack Jones

    With new age artists from the east coast making their voices heard with a gritty anarchist style to their sound, a few out here on the west are taking a more peace and relax approach when sending out their message. Hip-Hop artist Jetpack Jones is one in particular whom embodies the soulful artistry of the music…we can thank Bob Marley and Sade for that.


Alongside amazingly aesthetic album artwork, completed by Eustace Mamba, and trippy video visuals, created by Jeremias Corona, Jetpack Jones has managed to put out over 8 mix-tapes since 2009 spreading knowledge of political propaganda, black history and culture, and promoting a lifestyle built on peace and soul.


What makes Jetpack more laid back than most artists is that every tape has been available for free upon release; some personal favorites being The 3rd Eye Initiative  and Afterburners 4: Retro$pect. He has stated on a song included on the tape, Afterburners 3: The Brink, that it’s not the money that motivates him, he just wants to “…do it for the love.” Lucky for listeners that means no cliche bars and endless seconds of riding the beat, just great classic style hip-hop.

Consistency is the key to Jetpack Jones’s current success and with affiliations such as Mann, Tone Oliver, female artist P.O.P.E, and producer Brock Berrigan, the Jetpack Movement will continue to fly amongst the best of the new age.

Listen to the latest from Jetpack Jones on the top and a few of his previous tapes on the bottom!

Afterburners 4: Retro$pect
Jetpack Jones Mixtapes

I AM an Artist/

An extension of the source, broken down into seven/

Trying to create my dreams in this vessel/

Awakening consciousness to ascend dimensions/

I AM an Artist/

One wild vibration bouncing around the realms/

Am I dreaming?

Creating pieces that simply express self/

Deciphering emotions/

I AM an Artist/

Ever growing due to restlessness of mind and heart/

Gotta give it all I’ve got/

Judge not, judge not/

Never confined to definitions and reason/

I AM an Artist/

I Am The Art Test.

Create Your Life

Create Your Life

What Does It Mean To Be An Artist?

Most people would probably assume the profile of someone who uses charcoal on newspaper print or oil paints on an old car hood. While those are definitely types of artists, creation and perspective are not restricted to use in fine art and illustrations alone. Even after receiving a major in Art, I have to continue to reconnect with my own creative power to strengthen confidence, not only in my craft, but in all variables of life. There are times we all feel as though life is either stagnant or moving by us and we have no say in what’s happening, so how do we learn to interact with what is and live creatively?

So, Do We Control or Do We Guide?

Guidance and control work through different methods to create the same ending. We don’t control a brush when we paint, we guide it along a desired path and if variables come along the way that change the desired outcome, we adapt. If we could control the brush we wouldn’t need to hold the tool at all.

To try and control our lives would be just as foolish as trying to control a painting, there are 7 billion other people involved on this planet with their own desires and expectations. It could be understood that the essence of control is expectation due to its similarity with assumption. Both expectations and assumptions approach situations with the idea things will occur without error but as we all know, “Life Happens!”

Guidance on the other hand possesses acceptance and freedom. It offers us the ability to adapt to each moment as it plays out and feeling confident enough to design our lives around change. Being that change is the only constant, adjusting to a more artistic lifestyle teaches us to view the world in a more organic and creative perspective.

There’s Always That One Thing…

As children we all gravitated towards something that gave us an escape into imagination and through that, we creatively inspired personal power, freedom, and joy within ourselves. The same applies to becoming an artist of your life at whatever stage you’re currently experiencing. Find that one thing that brings you into a comfortable, creative mindset, where fear and failure are nonexistent and you are able to only express and experience. When the soul unites with Spirit (chi, life force)in all aspects of life, it becomes impossible for anyone to represent themselves as anything other than an Artist.

Creative power over life is about believing oneself to contain the skills necessary to create joy out of each moment experienced. We as a collective make up life but Life is a collection of our experienced perceptions.

Be an Artist. Unite the soul with spirit. Design your experience.

To find out more about uncovering the artist within yourself and following the flow of spirit as the life force I recommend checking out…

Julia Cameron’s
The Artist’s Wayartistsway

Hua-Ching Ni’s

Tao the Subtle Universal Law and the Integral Way of Life
