Cyclical patterns of living… We all have a routine we’ve chosen to follow, whether we know it or not. Sometimes the pattern can just feel like something we’ve fallen into, like Alice’s rabbit hole except, the curiosity is gone. How do we allow ourselves to release from these stagnant habits of experience? Why does it seem like some people never have a dull moment? What is the driving variable of how we co-create our adventure with fate?

     I have a lot of questions about the motivations of life and reaching our ultimate achievement but not too many answers. I know we choose our lives before coming into this earth plane and I know we’re supposed to pay conscious attention to every moment to understand it’s fit in our life puzzle but I’ve never known the ending image I’m supposed to complete. How do I see it? Is it just more meditation?

     The cyclical patterns I have, bore me, and the patterns I see in my mind seem impossible under my actual circumstances. How do I bridge the gap between dream and reality? I’ve ALWAYS said I don’t want a basic job and I don’t want to just scrape by but as a youngster that’s all I ever witnessed. I can’t tell you one person whom was older at the time, that I personally knew, that was living out their dream. Not only that, but being sheltered and limited to certain activities, didn’t give me the opportunity to discuss interests and dreams with other young spirits like myself.

     I’ve always dreamed about being in a group of people that inspire one another and talk about their dreams. Now as I grow older, every year I feel like I’m playing catch up; trying to re-create formative years to raise myself emotionally how I always wanted. I definitely didn’t have a terrible childhood, I was social and I would draw and write poems every opportunity I could. On the other hand however, I was just an only child with no other youngins to help find myself, including our whole family. How trippy right?I never felt truly connected with my family anyway; that’s because no one ever communicated, or if done, not properly so I used to always draw my emotions out and give them to whomever I was saddened with. I will never forget the time I told a couple family members, individually, that I’ve never felt a part of our family forreal, I was probably like 8.

     Thinking back now on moments as such and understanding who I am becoming, I see whom I wish I was in this moment but building it myself is still a lonely process as I undergo this second round of building foundation for my energy fields.

     Waking up from another amazing astral dream is what sparked these questions. In the astral realm I live the life I see for myself, nothing fancy just exciting and adventurous. I used to sleep a lot when I was younger and my grandma would ask me why and I, then, thought it was because I was growing. I’m noticing this cycle come back; I’m getting super tired even when I want to be doing something else. Maybe the astral is where my true purpose is and on this plane I haven’t yet figured out my role. I’ll understand the rhythms soon. I understand, at least, Sacred Geometry is the key. Let’s share and create healthier patterns, for all energetic bodies, within each other’s makeup.

We are You. 

You are Me. 

I Am. 

So it is.

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