It’s been almost two full months since moving into Portland from LA and it seems like I’ve been here longer for some reason haha. It’s like time slows down everywhere else when you’re not in an obnoxiously over crowded city. It’s nice though to enjoy the silence in the early mornings and late night; perfect setting for any artist.

     Since being here that’s all I can really think about anyway. The open space of being surrounded by natural beauty makes you take a step back and think how you can help beautify the place even more. Locals definitely take pride in maintaining the quality of their home and they’re the type of people whom inspire you to want to improve. People are so open here they just come right up to you anywhere and will begin a conversation. Vulnerability and transparency are definitely Oregon’s appeal and it’s a well-needed change coming from the land of hate and the fake.

     I remember when I was a kid and we had actual weather in California, when it wasn’t hot everyday. There has been so much work done to our ozone layer since the early 90’s, but imagine watching the obvious changes in such a”popular” city. Slowly watching real clouds disappear, being replaced with chemtrails, watching more people come because of the lifestyle they sell about California. Yo! The fact California STILL has commercials running. Why does a state need commercials? What has television taught us? Well they need commercials to get people to move here to spend money and stay and if anything, Television has taught us it constantly lies and hides certain realities from perception.

     Well Cali you can keep the dirty air, the rude idiots (whom most of the time aren’t local), the 2 hour traffic jams, the polluted and dangerous water, the uv rays, and the dirtiest oceans on Earth haha. 

     I don’t plan to stay in Oregon forever, I believe souls have certain places they must travel to grow and advance. There are hints to where that should be hidden within our past, our likes, dislikes, everything. Like energy attracts like energy once the forces recognize they’re not complete. Pay attention to the thoughts you have and how you feel and make sure stagnancy is not being coddled. Be inspired by your environment not tired by just trying to live.

     I am excited to delve deeper my art and right brain while living here and I will soak it in for as long as possible. But I also can’t lie about being excited for my next home-base.

                     I AM SO IT IS.

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