I love writing everyday especially in the morning when all the thoughts and words are freshly floating in the air. I was discouraged from continuing to use this site because of how many uses they took away from the free package; all I can do is journal entries without any videos. However, that seems to have been a creative my ego was seeing up for me. Stepping away from WordPress for so long I realized it was the freedom of expression I missed.

     Often we hold these ideas about how we should express ourselves; thinking tirelessly over how to go about it instead of stepping right into action. This website will no longer be for rooted unit in the manner it was before. I still believe myself to be on a mission to become a spiritually rooted human and help unite consciousness but most of the time nothing goes the exact way we expect.

     Flow is around us in every moment and until we stop resisting the changing tides, we won’t traverse much farther. Letting go is key to growth.

     These posts won’t be meant for deep thought or sharing. They’ll just be consciousness Flow as I wake up in the mornings and release stale thoughts, energy, or memories. I don’t expect for you to even get this far when reading the Flows but if you do, I’m positive there is a message meant for you somewhere within the writing.

     I’ve been reading the Ancient Secrets of The Flower of Life Vol. 1 (I got my hands on vol. 2 first) and so now that I’m completing the books, most of my questions are getting answered. We receive knowledge as it is necessary for us to elevate. There is never a correct way to read or  research, as time is an illusion. Reading beginning to end is no different than reading end to beginning because the same turn of  events still apply. Perspective is what creates the drama; sometimes you may recognize the reason behind something or know it’s meaning without conscious knowledge of how it came about originally. The other possibility is experiencing a life path, lesson, or adventure without consciously knowing what the outcome will be out what purpose it holds.

     Just be your best self,take what you are given 100%, and live out each moment the way it has manifested.

                 I AM AND SO IT IS.

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