We all know valentine’s day is often recognized as a major commercial holiday but, the idea of the day isn’t so bad. There are people celebrating in the company of others and there are people that aren’t, either way, does a confidence exist that people understand the true meaning of Love? The thing about Love here on Earth, is how far separated its reality is from the context the word is used. If one were to ask a person if they’ve been in love at least once before, most people would probably say yes but do we as humans recognize true Love?

    I once came across the idea that Love is actually not even an emotion and is not native to Earth. Well if Love isn’t an emotion, what is it then, right? The feeling that moves someone is in fact energy; as all matter of this reality is vibrating energy, it’s not such a far-fetched idea we are channeling Love rather than emoting love. Emotions are defined as the instinctive state of the mind due to circumstances ergo, Love cannot be an emotion because, as most people would say, Love comes from the heart.Love is not understood through knowledge and processes of the mind.

Love frequency

    Real Love is unconditional and built on the basis of understanding and acceptance. Also known to be the highest form of energy, and sent from the divine, Love is a gift we are able to bring forth to heal one another and perceived to be at the base of The Unified Field of Consciouness. Love is the strongest force of motion moving humanity towards collective ascension alongside Earth. Be open to giving and receiving Love from abundant sources and practice a new tradition of sharing Love!

Happy valentine’s day to you and yours and may the divine bless us all in joy and unconditional Love!

What’s The Unified Field?

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