The Underachievers

Most of us know New York for its artists in the mainstream light but what about its more local, conscious talent?

Take a dive back into great hip-hop as they “…ressurect the craft of the boom bap…”(AK_The Proclamation)

When it comes to elevating hip-hop’s roots and bringing back the New York groove, these two dudes exceed expectations. With such a unique visual and color style, Flatbush, New York’s The Underachievers, step up the video production roster on their latest video, Amorphous.

With thick roots in the christ conscious movement, the duo knows a few things about human connection and reached out with open arms to fellow starseeds for this one. It’s the best feeling for any fan of music when the video for the song matches the level of artistry in the song itself, but what’s better than getting the opportunity to be IN the video?! The “Lords of Flatbush” gave their fans that chance and with their wicked fast wordplay and esoteric puns, it’s no wonder why these guys are amongst the leaders of the Beast Coast movement.

CHECK OUT the young prophets and lucky fans below in the organic and dazing video!

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